New Model Shipways Shipwrights Series!
This is the first true plank-on-frame basswood kit on our school of progressive model boat building.For the novice, the Dory is the perfect introduction to model ship building. No previous knowledge is necessary.For the more experienced modeler, this ship is a fun and quick build that will leave you with a wonderful sense of accomplishment.
The 28 page illustrated will guide you through the building the Dory, America's favorite fish and lobstering boat in the 1800's.This kit is designed to develop your skills and confidence, step by step, to more complex ship models.
Instructions and prototype model by David Antscherl
Watch the build of the Dory
Brief History
Dories were developed on the East Coast in the 1800’s and were descendants of the French settlers’ bateaux of the 17th and 18th centuries. They were used extensively for fishing and lobstering, since they were easy and inexpensive to build and maintain. Despite their unusual shape, dories were very seaworthy and literally many thousands were built. One feature of these boats was that they could be nested one inside the other like stacking chairs. Their sears, called thwarts, were removable so that boats would fit inside each other. Fishing schooners carried many dories on board. They were others stacked as many as eight high on deck, both to port and starboard, when sailing out to fishing grounds of the Grand Banks and East Coast.
Kit Features
Plus Tools
Clamps, tweezers, hobby knife, blades, saw blade, chisel blade, sandpaper, paint brushes, paint & glue.
Model Specifications: