Posted by on 10/1/2020 to
Having been intrigued by this castle the first time I saw it, I knew when this 3D puzzle arrived I would have to build it. I must say this is something very different then my usual build of plastic models, but I figured what the hell I will give it a try and if I screw it up I will never talk about it again. When I opened the box I was very impressed with the Flatpack sheets and was amazed that they could get this big of a kit into such a small box. (insert Photo) The kit comes with (number of sheets) plus a very easy to follow assembly guide, oh and a tool to pop out the extra material covering the assemble points Thanks Dad for pointing this tool out, I was using an Exacto to do this.
The build is very straight forward for the most part there are a few spots you really will need to study. But everything does fit very well. I did take a few parts off to make some of the steps easier to assemble. There are also some very complicated bends required but with patience they are easy to achieve. I did decide to glue a few of the more complicated parts together.