What’s a Ratliner?
First the question: What’s a Ratline? It is a nautical term used to describe a rope ladder upon which sailors scampered up to the lower yards to furl or unfurl sails. The Ratline usually stopped at the lowest yard and from there a “Jacob’s Ladder (also made of rope) was used to get to the higher yards and the top of the mast.
How does the Ratliner work?
Not much different than a loom used to weave cloth or rugs … but far more simple. Just follow the step-by-step instructions after selecting the Ratliner that corresponds closest to the scale of the model ship you are building. Ratliners come in 3 different scale ranges: MS7201 Scales 1:76 to 1:90, MS7202 for scale 1:64, or close to it and MS7203 for scales 1:35 to 1:48. If the scale of the model ship you are building doesn’t fall exactly within those ranges … not to worry. Even being as close as 10-15% will be good.
Nothing works as well as our Ratliner to produce accurately scaled ratlines in the shortest possible time. You will never use another method or tool.
How is a Ratliner made? After testing many different plywoods, acrylics, plastic sheets we discovered that 1/4" thick MDF (Medium Density Fibreboard) was the most stable, easy to laser-cut and durable material available with the added advantage of low cost. You'll find that your Ratliner has hundreds of feet of laser cut slots and holes. So many, that our most powerful laser-cutting machine takes a full 30 minutes to produce but one Ratliner. Appreciate the complexity and utility of this tool.
Tools needed: tweezers, scissors and a pick. Need some? Search our site. You'll find them.
Want to know lots more? Look above for a blue tab that says INSTRUCTIONS and find the full set of instructions.